Land Rover

“Well Storied”



The Land Rover “Well Storied” project portrayed geolocation-based social stories across a custom designed world map.

Our social-aggregation tool pulled Facebook, Google, Instagram, Tumblr, and Twitter posts (tagged with the campaign hashtag) into a custom CMS.

On the frontend, the website made calls to PHP API endpoints, that returned JSON data for each story and it’s coordinates.

Once plotted on the map, the audience could interact with a wealth of personal product experiences.

The main frontend tech consisted of compiled TypeScript and Node.js coupled with a host of custom JavaScript polyfills and components. The audio production was performed by a preferred vendor and was presented using a JavaScript sound engine.

Land Rover Well Storied social agrogated media feed

Infrastructure-wise, I created a cluster of webservers that ran Ubuntu Linux, Apache, and PHP with a Varnish caching layer. I set up phpMyAdmin node to manage the instances of servers that ran MySQL replication processes.

All public-facing infrastructure ran behind a load balancer configured to handle high-traffic demands along with an SSL certificate for encryption on AWS.
