Nature Valley

“The Quietest Show on Earth”



At the onset of this project, we envisioned an event that could best capture the spirit and mission of the campaign — preservation of U.S. National Parks. After much thought, we landed on hosting a camping and music (performed by Andrew Bird and guest) event under the stars. Our live-action team was tasked with going on location in the Mojave Desert to capture footage of a group of environmentally conscience supporters of the movement as they celebrated our Earth. After capturing the content that would serve as the backdrop of the site, we went on to development phase.

This project was completed as a fully responsive website which housed music tracks (playable and downloadable), photography and videos.

The design demonstrated a respect for the content, capturing a multi-day fan-driven event which aimed to raise public awareness of nature and the preservation of the U.S. National Parks.

The Quietest Show on Earth project would go on to receive accolades for it's grassroots approach, most-notably winning an award at SXSW.
