
“Movies & TV Shows App”



For this product we aimed to answer that perpetual question when all of us sit down to relax for the evening “What will I watch tonight?” Taking this product to market required a multifaceted approach to research, requirements gathering, and feature planning. The result was an app happily named, Bingie.

Under my direction, we developed the app from MVP to version 2 (present) to help create a community of content enthusiasts centered around sharing honest critiques of TV shows and movies. The app serves as both a social lobby and a utility that enables the user to search for content across all streaming networks. If you have an account on one of those networks, a user can tap the associated provider logo to travel to the provider app to consume the content.

The talented team of creatives, engineers (developers), and leadership have made working on this project very rewarding. While plans (i.g.: product roadmap) for the future of this digital product are constantly evolving, I'm confident we‘ll continue to add valuable features that our loyal user base will benefit from and enable our content partners to build better relationships with audiences that enjoy their offerings. Help support their efforts by installing the app for iOS and join the conversation behind your favorite TV shows and movies (thank you).

